Drachengasse 13
Drachengasse 13 is a series of children’s fantasy books written by Bernd Perplies and Christian Humberg. These are the illustrations of the new edition, released by Edition Roter Drache starting 2021. Find out more on the official Drachengasse 13 website.
Critical Coloring
Critical Coloring is a Critical Role fan book for charity
I’m proud to have participate in this coloring book fan project by fans of Critical Role. This book is made in support of The Pablove Foundation – a non-profit that fights childhood cancer with love.
The book is free for download, but we’re asking for donations to help kids fight cancer. As of October 2021, 458 fans have donated a total of $7,687!
KOSMOS – Experiment boxes for children
Mein erstes Auto
Illustrations for a car building box for preschoolers by KOSMOS.
Mein erstes Entdeckerset
Illustrations for an experiment box for preschoolers by KOSMOS.
Mein erstes Forscherset
Illustrations for an experiment box for preschoolers by KOSMOS.
Technical Illustrations
A few illustrations for experiment boxes: Mein erstes Forscherset,
Kristall-Gigant, and Mein erstes Leuchtlabor by KOSMOS: